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Graceway Kids exists to love and lead all children to a

transforming life with Christ.


Early Childhood

Infants - Preschool

Loving and dedicated shepherds are excited to welcome and care for your little ones in each of the three Early Childhood classrooms - Infant Class, Toddler Class & Preschool Class. Each class has age appropriate toys, crafts, songs, Bible stories and activities. We believe each child's relationships with Jesus starts at a young age, so we desire for kids to experience Jesus' love as they play, pray, worship with songs and explore the Bible at Graceway.


Kinder - 5th Grade

Loving and dedicated shepherds are excited to welcome and care for your kiddos in each of the three Elementary classrooms: K-1st, 2nd-3rd and 4th-5th. Each class has age appropriate Bible lessons, games/crafts and activities. We love seeing kid's relationships with Jesus grow stronger so each class's Bible lesson is designed to help kids understand how God is a part of their life right now. Church is also about being together, so we sing and move with Kids Worship, pray together, and celebrate one another.

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Save the Date

We have a lot of fun events planned throughout the year and we would love for you to join us.


For more information about these events, please see the "Events" page.

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